
                  General Meeting Minutes for 2016 

Grand Island Lions General
Meeting January 27, 2016

Attendance:  (in attendance 7) Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Mike Steinagel, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Donna Lavallee

No quorum so issues for the Board will be
Lion President Tom Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM  

Thank you note from Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service and Calendars
Excalibur thank you for donation.
Receipt from Sisters Hospital from Doc Day last year.
NYS Bermuda Lion Raffle, $100/ticket, cash prizes.  We 3 available tickets, deadline is before the NYS convention.  We do not have a quorum, so we will try to vote on this next meeting.
Buffalo League of Sightless Bowlers, looking for sponsors for advertisements.  $25, tabled for now.
Thank you note from Eyes on America, Dr. Anthone
Invitation from One Island One Team to partner and support the cause to reduce substance abuse on Grand Island.  The next meeting will be Thursday, February 11 at 6 PM in the GIHS Professional Development Rm 137.
Request from Young Life, This is a line item in the budget/ $200.  We will vote next meeting or by email vote.
Request from SABAH, we have not given to this in the past few years.
Request from Mercy Flight, donation made in December.
N. Buffalo Charter night is at the Grapevine in Depew March 5, 2016.  Cost $40.  Suggestion that we send the President and guest.  RSVP by 2/19th.  Lion Donna will send an email to the board to vote by email.
Vote on winnings from the Super Bowl drawing $500.  Discussion on this money going into the General Fund as this fund may be depleted.

Split Club: Lion Tom:  Total in the split club is $ $108 Lion Fred drawing:  May Jo Tucker, Pat Patterson, Dick Crawford; Lion Dick drew the Ace of Spades.

Committee Reports:

Spaghetti Dinner:   The dinner will be on April 18, 2016 at Byblos. Set up will be on Sunday as long as the facility is free.   Lion Dick will be sending letters out to our normal sponsors.  Lion Tom R will try to get the meatballs. 
Lion Donna for Lion Bob Eyeglass collection: Lion Bob collected 147 glasses 100 cases and several pairs of lens.  Lion Bob has delivered these to Walmart.
Loan closet:  Lion Dick distributed shower seat and 2 commode risers.  Lion Fred; wheelchair.  Next meeting will be January 24th, 2016 it will be a board meeting but all members are welcome at the Buffalo Launch Club.  Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded by Lion Dick; Meeting adjourned at 8:36.

Submitted by
Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
March 27, 2016

Attendance:  (12  in attendance)  Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski,  Paul Bassette,, Brooks Rimes, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Kelly McGarvey, Dan Morobito, Donna Lavallee, Shelia Ferrentino  Guest speaker; guest Lion Brian Mau from Pendleton Lions Club

Lion President Tom Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Lion Anne Fahning introduced the guests Lion Brian Mau from the Pendleton Lions and spokesman on Hopeful Ways the Nicaragua Eye Care Medical Missions.

Moment of Silence honoring Lion Diane Dubiel

Sheridan Drive Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner tickets on April 2, 2016 from 3-7 PM at St. Edmunds Campus
Thank you for purchasing the Raffle tickets.
Kensington Lions looking for support of  their All Star football, requesting possible ad for program,
Buffalo Inner City Lions April 30th Oldies Dance at The New Gold Nugget on Fillmore

The club will be looking for a new Corresponding Secretary as Lion Annette with is stepping down from that position.
Committee Reports:

Spaghetti Dinner:  Dick Crawford: Had stickers made so that we can change the lawn signs.  Lion Dick with Lions Anne and Kelly are working on the basket raffle.  Members are encouraged to donate a basket.  Lion Tom R is trying to find a patron to donate the meatballs or try to get a restaurant to donate meatballs at cost.  Lion Dick will be dropping member’s tickets for sale.  The dinner is approximately 1 month out.  Lion Dick will ask Kevin Slaciak if that could be a possibility.
Buffalo News Kids Day is 4/26 from 6-9 AM our club works the corner of Long and GI Blvd.
Lion Norm Hahn will chair the White Cane Sale again.

Lion Paul:  Presentation:  Lion Paul has received a check from Allen Pollack aiding our Lions Club Scholarship.  This is given to the Lutheran Denomination because they are a 501.c3, they keep $50 and write a check for $450 for the scholarship. 

Split Club:  Split club $122. Tom Witkowski,, Queen of Clubs.

Announcement:  Tom W. Clarification that we may be able to run our welfare fund for a 501 c3. Donations can be tax deductible.
Presenter:  Lion Brian Mau and Lion Anne Fahning: Hopeful Ways the Nicaragua Eye Care Medical Mission. Juigalpa, Chontales Lions. This year there were 31 volunteers including 1 MD 3 optometrists, 3 opticians.  Lion Anne shared her experience on the trip.  Mission clinic from 8-5 PM, lots of support from the local Lions Club.  Culture was for Leos and  Cubs to assist the Lions Club.  They were there for 16 days.   Lion Brian- Hopeful Ways to share what Lionism is doing in Nicaragua.  Mission like this runs funding at approximately 70k.  Lionism in Nicaragua is truly a family experience.  This year the mission got tremendous support from LCIF.  This allowed for the preparation of the building prior to the mission to make the building usable for the crowd that was expected.  Over 300 people a day were served.  Hopeful ways began 6 years ago.  It has changed to encompass eye doctors and professionals providing medical and humanitarian support to improve the quality of life for the people of Nicaragua. Lion Brian described the specific needs of the Nicaraguan people, people with very little or no social services.  Sight is very important for the people to make their living. In Nicaragua eyeglasses can cost up to 6 months wages.  The mission saw 2720 patients in 10 working days, 2068 Eyeglasses dispensed, 2588 sunglasses 160 safety glasses 2323 eye drops dispensed and 64 eye surgeries.  All of the glasses come from the Lions Eyeglass distribution center.

New Business: 
Brief discussion for a branch club as brought up by Lion Mike Steinagel.  There is an upcoming webinar that can be viewed.  Lion Dick offered to have members meet at the highway department at noon on March 31, upstairs in the conference room at the town garage.
Nominating Committee:  committee is Lion Dan, Lion Tom R and Lion Shelia, they will meet and have a slate of officers within the next meeting.
Next meeting

Motion to adjourn Lion Dan 9:05, seconded Lion Fred meeting adjourned 8:59:PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

General Meeting Wednesday April 13,2016
In attendance: Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford, Shelia Ferrentino, Kelly McGarvey, Dan Morabito, Henry Lobl, Fred Ruocco, Bob Goulding  ,Anne Fahning, Paul Krupa, Brooks Rimes, Tom Witkowski, Norm Hahn, Zone Chair Jeff Jarvis.
call to order at 7:05
The Pledge was recited, Tom R lead a patriotic song and Dick Crawford said the prayer.
The slate of officers and directors was presented.  See attached.  No nominations were made from the floor.
A motion to accept the slate was made by Anne Fahning and seconded by  Dick Crawford. There was no discussion before the unanimous vote of aye.
Anne moved to release the tail twister. Shelia seconded.
Tom W did the split with $124  dollars in the pot. Paul Bassette's name was called first but he was not present. Then Lion Henry drew the 8 of hearts.
Guest speaker , Peggy Rusert , a yoga teacher, and of course Tom's lovely wife , spoke about yoga. She accentuated the importance of the mind/body connection for good health.
Yoga not only strengthens muscles but also tones and adds definition. The benefit to improving balance becomes increasingly important as we age. She spoke about how joints will become stiff if we don't move them and how back pain can be relieved with yoga. The breathing element of yoga will calm your body and mind . It will also reduce stress and improve self confidence. Every student will practice at whatever level they are comfortable. There is no need to be experienced to take a class.
Peggy teaches at Soma Cura next to Tops and all the MOG.
She left business cards that offer a discount.
White Cane will be on August 20th and 21st. Lion Norm Hahn will chair the event
Anne reported on Alive Inside, the initiative to bring music to the elderly to "wake up" memories for those with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Elderwood is beginning the program as a trial with 5 neighbors, as they are called there. There was a demonstration during which, Linda, a neighbor who is non verbal with dementia, was fitted with a headset to listen to music.
Her husband filled out a questionnaire regarding Linda's preferences in music. Country is her favorite, so an iPod had been loaded for her. She seemed to react a couple of times.
If someone would like to volunteer to sit with a neighbor while they listen, there is paperwork to fill out which can be picked up at Elderwood. For more information you contact Lion Donna .
Dick asked for volunteers for the Gus Macker Tournament that will be on June 4th and 5th.
Buffalo News Kids Day is Tuesday April 26th. Anne, Shelia, Kelly, Paul K and Tom W have agreed to work it. If anyone else would  like to help, please contact Lion Anne at 440-0841.
Lions Shelia and Henry will attend the State Convention as voting members.
Lion Tom W reported on the membership webinar he watched in order to get ideas to expand our numbers. Please refer to the detailed information he emailed earlier in the week for great ideas to employ.
There was discussion about the need for all members to be mindful of the need when in a group and an opportunity arises to talk about Lionism.
Lion Kelly has arranged a booster night at Dick and Jenny's on May 17th. This is a brand new fundraiser for us. And a pretty easy one at that! The restaurant has offered to donate 20% of all the food sales that night to our Club. You must mention the Lions Club when you arrive , to take advantage. What a fun way to enjoy fellowship with our members and families. It is open to everyone, not just members.
It is good throughout the dinner hours only.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Submitted by Lion Anne Fahning



    The following slate of Officers recommended by the nominating committee was presented at the April 13th general meeting and approved unanimously by members in attendance.  There were no nominations from the floor.  Since the meeting Mike Steinagel nominated Mike Steinagal for President.  A second, via email, has been received and an election will be conducted. Via email.  

President:  Lion Dick Crawford
1st Vice President:  Lion Henry Lobl
2nd Vice President Lion Shelia Ferrentino
Treasurer:  Lion Tom Witkowski
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly McGarvey
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Lion Tamer/Tail Twister:  Lion Fred Ruocco 

1 Year Director:  Lion Paul Krupa
1 Year Director:  Lion Brooks Rimes
2 Year Director:  Lion Anne Fahning
2 Year Director:  Lion Bob Goulding

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting May 11, 2016

Attendance:  (18 in attendance) Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford,  Tom Butler, Donna Lavallee, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Paul Krupa  Dan Morobito, Dave Chervinsky,  Gerry Dubiel, Kelly McGarvey, Shelia Ferrentino, Anne Fahning, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco and 2 guests; Mike McDonough and PDG Mike Lawkowski.
Lion President Tom Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. 
Lion Tom B led us in the Pledge to the Flag, guest Mike McDonough led us in a song Lion Dick led us in prayer.
Announcements – Lion Bob introduced our guest Mike McDonough and Lion Tom W introduced PDG Mike Lawkowski who will speak to the club about the Lions SEE program.
Lion Tom called the split club, looking for the Ace of Hearts; $132 in the kitty, Lion Gerry Dubiel drew the 7 of spades.
Program: PDG Mike Lawkowski on the Lions SEE program.  Saving Eyes Early.  The program is in its 10th year screening kids from 6 months old through 6 years, as these problems is easily corrected before age 6.  Conditions such as strabismus or lazy eye can be easily corrected.  We know that if these children are diagnosed early they learn better.  The cameras cost about 8k dollars.  Testing is being done in the Buffalo city schools and in local day cares.  Recently 169 children were tested and 25 of these children needed glasses.  PDG Mike suggested that the district purchase a camera that can be used throughout district 20N.  The fact of the matter is that when planning is approved the school system want things to occur quickly, logistically this can be difficult to coordinate.  PDG Mike is working on grants through Lions to purchase cameras.  PDG Mike is also encouraging 2 to 3 clubs to ban together to purchase a camera together. Of the 3000 children tested last year in the city of Buffalo 12% needed vision care of some kind.  The program is still developing since the program has changed from the Ross Eye Institute to the Kids Sight USA.
Committee Reports: 
Congratulations to the new elected officers for the 2016-2017 year.
OP Lions is having a Steak roast on 5/31/16 tickets are $35, see LP Tom for tickets if you are interested
Gus Macker is a go on GI June 4 and 5th, we could sell food, but because we are doing the garage sale we most likely will not participate
Garage Sale on June 18 coincided with the Lawn Mower races down by Floyd Doring’s house on West River Rd. Certificate of Insurance for the Garage Sale.  We were asked to sell food.  Lion Dick will be speaking to Floyd.
Spaghetti Dinner, still some small amounts of monies coming in for ads, etc.
Brandel Murphy:  We received a $2000 grant for the SKP which will be presented at the cabinet meeting.  In addition, we received the $250 matching grant to get the Beeper Ball league up and running.
Scholarship committee:  Lion Fred:  The committee decided that 5 $500 scholarships will be awarded at the High School Graduation.  We had 9 applicants.
Correspondence:  Lion Paul K, 4959 meals were delivered for Meals on Wheels on GI this year.  We received a nice letter thanking us for our faithful service throughout the year.  The MOW committee will be looking for additional help.
Lion Kelly:  There will be a Facebook page advertisement for the Booster Night at Dick and Jenny’s.  20% of the dinner will go to GI Lions Club.
Upcoming meetings
Peace Poster honorees May 25, 2016 at the BLC
Installation dinner 6/8/16 at the GI Holiday Inn, 6 PM for Cocktails and 7 PM for dinner, spouses and significant others are invited.
Motion to adjourn Lions Tom W., seconded by Lion Gerry meeting adjourned  8:39 PM.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting May 25, 2016
Attendance:  (19 in attendance) Tom Rusert, Brooks Rimes, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl,  Dan Morobito, Fred Ruocco, Bob Goulding,  Gerry Dubiel, Norm Hahn Kelly McGarvey,  Shelia Ferrentino, 4 guests; T.J. Bender and parents Jennifer and John, Tom DeJohn executive director of Elderwood Grand Island.
Lion President Tom Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. 
Lion Brooks led us in the Pledge to the Flag, Lion Paul B led us in prayer and Lion Norm led us in a patriotic song.
Announcements – Lion Paul introduced our Peace poster winner, T.J. Bender and his parents and in addition Tom DeJohn director at Elderwood Grand Island.
Dick and Jenny’s fundraiser $247 was raised and they rounded it up to $300
Lion Jerry:  Presented a checks in Lion Diane’s memory, for a total of $75, in addition there have been additional monies donated in Lion Diane’s memory. 
Lion Tom W. called the split club, looking for the Ace of Hearts; $139.50 in the kitty, Lion Bill Wind, Lion Fred Ruocco, Lion Fred drew the 4 of diamonds.
Garage Sale:  Lion Donna.  We will hold our annual garage sale on June 18th, please bring any items that you would like to contribute to Lion Donna’s house the week prior to the sale.  In addition we will be selling hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and a drink.  This year we will be closer to the action.
Gus Macker:  300 teams which is a good turnout, we will not be participating this year.
Program: Peace Poster chair Paul Bassette:  Honoring our Peace Poster contest 1st and 2 nd place winners.  Lion Paul gave a quick background on the history of The Peace Poster contest which has been conducted for the past 28 years. The contest is for young people ages 11-13. This year’s theme was “Share Peace”.  District level winners go on to the State level winners to many nations throughout the world.  We had 52 Peace Posters submitted this year. The judging criteria are based on use of theme, artistic ability and originality. Second place $50 winner Miss Hailey Watches, she was not able to be here with us tonight.  Lion Paul Bassette read her address to the club. Mr. Thomas J Bender was the first place $100 winner from Connor Middle School presented his poster to the club.  The posters will be display for 1 year at the Grand Island Public Library.  We also had 2 honorable mention winners that each received $25. 
Meeting adjourned  8:48 PM Board meeting to follow in 5 minutes
Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting September 14, 2016
Attendance: (13 in attendance) LP Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee, Fred Ruocco, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Jerry Dubiel, Kelly McGarvey, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Anne Fahning, Tom Butler.  LP Dick called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM. 
Lion Kelly led the pledge to the flag, Lion Dave led us in a patriotic song, and LP Dick led us in a prayer.
Motion to release the Tail Twister, LP Dick seconded by Lion Tom W.
The schedule for the Taste of GI is available on each table.  The Taste of GI will be on 9/24/16.  Please sign up for a time slot if you are able.  We need between 4-6 people in the booth.  Please bring your own chair; we will have a 10x10 tent and table.  We may close the booth at 6 PM. We will be selling baked goods, popcorn and Bon Ton Books.
Split clubs:  Lion Tom W.  $146 Looking for the Ace of Hearts.  Lion President Dick draw the 2 of clubs….Stay Tuned.
Membership Booklets were handed out. There is a list of committee heads in the back of the book.  Volunteers for help on committees are always welcome. 
Lion Annette:  wrap up for the SKP.  The board received a report of the expenses.  Expenses were $3131.  The BLC will receive the Uplinger award at the 60th anniversary. Bob DeGlopper has helped every year at the SKP.  Lion Annette made a motion to invite Bob DeGlopper and his wife Karen to the 6oth anniversary.  Seconded by Lion Shelia.  Vote:  all in favor.  Motion carried.  There were 60 invitations sent out to past Lions, the widows, if there are any other suggestions for invitations please contact Lion Annette.   The budget was approved for $500 but it has already exceeded that.  Lion Anne made a motion that we add $400 to the budget, seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor, motion passed.
Taste of GI:  question on the location of the booth, request that maybe we can be located next to the Library.
Motion was made by Lion Jerry to reimburse Lion Dave $32.38 for the ink required to print the booklets.  Seconded by Lion Henry.  Vote: all in favor, motion passed.
Lion Annette would like to get all parties that volunteer for the SKP, Collins Marine, Bob DeGlopper, Boy Scout Troop, etc. together for a picture for publication.  This will be coordinated in the Fall.
Treasurers report:  Lion Tom Witkowski:  We are now with Northwest Bank, there may be a delay with the rubber stamp, etc.  Welfare accounts and general account balances were reviewed.
We have allocated an additional $400 for the 60th anniversary that has not been accounted for.  There was a motion by Lion Kelly that we take any monies generated from Bon Ton that are paid by our membership to go into the General account.  Seconded by Lion Shelia.  Vote; motion passed.
Request from the Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation for a donation of $200.  This is a line item in the budget. 
Correspondence:  Lion Kelly
American Relay for Life thank you for the $100 donation.
Invitation from the Sheridan Lions Club to their “all you can eat” pancake breakfast on Sunday October 9 from 8:30-1 PM at the St. Edmund Campus on 530 Ellicott Creek Road, Tonawanda, NY, cost of $7, Kids under 5 years old are free.  Checks can be mailed to Lion Sharon Battaglia.
Community Books for the Bon Ton Community Days are for sale.
One Island One-team substance abuse coalition are having a welcome reception tomorrow night at the Niagara Sailing Club from 6-8 PM.  Lion Shelia, Lion Kelly and Lion Tom W will be going. They are looking for more input from the community.  Anybody that is interested may attend. Carol Leiben is coordinator of this meeting as well as Cindy Sharpe.
Old Business:  Discussion regarding purchasing a new banner, or ordering an emblem banner with a lot of room for the additional badges.  This is still pending.  Discussion on whether or not to purchase from LCIF or contacting the GI Sewing club to make one for us.  Question on whether we can order a flag stand or a banner stand from LCIF. 
Update on the scholarship winners will be reviewed at the next board meeting.
Lion Tom B motion to adjourn, Seconded by Lion Tom W
Meeting adjourned 8:38 PM
Next meeting at BLC on 9/28/16.
submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting September 28, 2016
Attendance: (16 in attendance) LP Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Donna Lavallee, Fred Ruocco, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Dan Morabito, Brooks Rimes, Paul Bassette, Paul Krupa, Henry Lobl, Anne Fahning, Lion Tom R introduced guests Jeff Josten, Jeanine Josten.  The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. 
Lion Paul K led us in the pledge, Lion Tom Rusert led us in a patriotic song, and Lion Paul B led us in prayer.
A motion to release the tail twister.
LP Dick presented a name badge to faithful Lion Bob Goulding.
LP Dick:  Next meeting 10/12/2016 is at the Niagara Sailing Club with our sister club in Merritton.  Cost of the meal is $15 supplied by Say Cheese Pizza.  Please bring something to raffle off.  We need to remember to bring the Canadian and American flags.  Karaoke may be fun.
Split club: Lion Tom W. Split club is at $153.  Guests Jeff and Jeanine drew Annette Lobl, not here, Jeff drew Brooks Rimes.  Lion Brooks drew the 3 of spades. Til next time…….
Lion Tom W.  Taste of GI, we sold popcorn, baked goods and Bon Ton Books.  There was a great turn out of the town and great participation from the club.  We raised $123.20.  This was good exposure for the Club.
Question on whether or not members want to see a copy of the minutes to review.  Suggestion that we can email the minutes.  Lion Anne made a motion that we email the previous meeting minutes for review, seconded by Lion Paul K. Discussion:  Vote; all in favor.  Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Peace Poster:  Lion Paul B.  Mr. Dulak will again ask Conner Middle school students to participate.
Scholarship Winner:  5 $5oo winners, one of the winners has decided to intern at a business in Pennsylvania.  As she is not enrolled in a college, the committee has decided to not award her the scholarship as that is a requirement.  This money will roll over into the 2017 scholarship funds.  LP Paul made a motion that the funds be moved to the 2017-2018 $500 will be rolled over for a total of $3000.  Seconded Lion Henry.  Discussion;  The students receive information that they have to provide verification that they will be attending a school of higher education by 12/31 calendar year.  Vote:  13 in favor, 1 nay.  Motion passed.
Christmas party:  Lion Fred volunteered. 
Valentines party:  should we have one?  We may have some sort of celebration.  We will think outside the box on this one.  Discussion will continue.
Treasurer’s report:  Lion Tom W.  All members get a copy of the report via email.  Lion Tom reviewed the Welfare account, all these monies go directly back to the public.  General account or the administrative account funds were reviewed.  Dues have already been paid.  Our online account did not always have the correct address, now the address is the PO Box 71 address.  All First Niagara checks need to be cashed by November 09, 2016.  There are a few of outstanding checks.  The money from the Taste of GI will be put in to the General Account.  Lion Tom needs stamps for mailing.  1771 IRS form Tax “loop-hole” is being investigated.
Lion Tom took a tour of the new STEM wing at the GIHS and met Brian Graham, the new GI School superintendent.  Lion Tom brought up vision screening.  They are totally on board.  Lion Tom has contacted the Fuccillo Group to help on the cost of the screeners and printers.  More information as this develops.
One Island One Team meeting regarding the drug situation on Grand Island was held at the Niagara Sailing Club led by Corinna Leiben. Lions Tom W, Shelia and Kelly were present.  She is looking for an organization to help with “Responsible Server Training.”  This is training for people that serve alcohol to access whether or not someone has had too much to drink.  Lion Shelia’s assessment of the evening’s program was that it was disorganized and she was unsure of the purpose, she was expecting a presentation.  You had to request information.  The mission and goals were not clear.  In regards to the responsible server training, is this within our scope of service, how do we assist?  This is unknown at this time. Corinna will be our speaker at our November meeting. Perhaps these questions can be answered at that time.
Guest Jeanine Josten stated that the middle school just had speakers from “Kids Escaping Drugs”. The program was powerful and well received.
60th Anniversary Dinner:  Lion Henry:  we have 20 positive responses everything is going well, programs need to be printed a draft will be forthcoming. 
Correspondence:  Lion Henry: Eyes on America.  Dr. Kenneth Anthone, Dr. Atwal and Dr. Atwal fundraising dinner to raise funds for Cataract Surgery at the Protocol Restaurant.  Tickets are $65 or $125 for a couple. Discussion for donation will go to the board.
Bon Ton so far we have sold 69 books, we need to sell 6 more in order to be sold at the store.  Lion Anne made a motion that if we do not sell the required number of books prior to the date that the club purchases the needed books.  Seconded by Lion Shelia.  Discussion:  Vote:  all in favor, motion passes.
KOC Good Samaritan council is sponsoring an Oktoberfest $14. Sat 10/8 at St. Stephens School
No Old Business
No New Business
Motion to adjourn, Lion Brooks, seconded by Lion Shelia.
Meeting adjourned. 8:51 PM
submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 09, 2016
Attendance: 16 in attendance; Brooks Rimes, Dan Morabito, Paul Krupa Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Butler, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey, Bob Goulding, Shelia Ferrentino and guest Corina Labin.
Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Lion Brooks led the club in the pledge to the flag.
Lion Shelia led the club in a patriotic song,
Lion Dick Crawford led us in an invocation.
LP Tom W. introduced our guest Corina Labin, director of One Island One Team
Lion Tom; Motion to release the tail twister, seconded by Lion Paul.
Lion Dick announced the details of the Veterans Day celebration today at Veterans Park in the town center.  This year there was retiring of the Flags sponsored and held by the Boy Scouts. 
Committee Reports: 
· 60th Anniversary: Lion Annette 64 dinners were served a good time was had by all.  The slide show has been uploaded on the website for all to enjoy.  Thank you Lion Annette and Lion Henry!
· Correspondence:  Lion Kelly:  Thank you from DG Haak.  Requests for donations
·  Bon Ton Lion Kelly:  Community Days will be November 10, 11, 12 and 13, 2016.  We have already sold 108 books to date.  There are 3 slots still available for us to sell at the store.  See Lion Kelly if you are able to help.
· Cabinet meeting: LP Dick, Lion Tom W and Lion Kelly attended the cabinet meeting a lot of good information was shared particularly for recruiting new members.
· Treasurer’s report:  Lion Tom.  The general and welfare budget was reviewed.  He is still waiting to get the ruling on whether or not donations to the club are tax deductible.
Mary Savoy made a $250 donation for our 60th anniversary. Also a donation from Merrittan for $60 for our 60th anniversary.
Split Club:  we have $161 Looking for the Ace of Hearts Lion Dave Chervinsky, the 9 of clubs was drawn.
Holiday Party: Lion Fred, plans are in the works, stay tuned for details.
Announcement:  Lion Donna: Message from Rotarian John Harbison.  John works with a family from Journey’s end that has to relocate by the end of the month.  They are in need of a refrigerator.
Super bowl lottery: Our club purchases the tickets every year.
Meals on Wheels: Lion Paul Krupa needs help with MOW the first and third Friday of the month for the months of Jan, Feb, March.  As he is going back to work.  Please see Lion Paul if you are able to help fulfill our obligation.
Program:  Corina Labin: One Island, One Team a community coalition task group that goal is to reduce underage substance abuse.  Corina reviewed the history of the coalition that had been established approximately 10 years ago.  There was a personal needs assessment completed.  There is the question on whether or not the youth see this as a problem?  How are youth that are using or drinking getting their supply?  The heroin epidemic is becoming more prevalent.  The coalition wants to promote education to GI families and kids to help them  make better choices.  The coalition is entirely run by volunteers, there is no working budget save the occasional mini grant. The coalition is active in community events to develop community awareness. One Island One Team sponsored a group of teens and leaders to the Kids Escaping Drugs summit in an effort to develop a working program for drug prevention on GI. A new needs assessment should be completed as the last one was 2 years ago.  How can GI Lions possibly help: mentoring to youth or providing some safe activities?  The One Island One Team would like to provide training for servers to help ensure that they are not serving alcohol to underage drinking.  Questions were fielded.
Contact Corina if you would like to help or attend meetings, which are the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Professional Development Room in the High School.  Email; clabin@oiot.gmail.com
Motion to adjourn Lion Tom B seconded Lion Dave C meeting adjourned 8:44 PM.
Board meeting to follow.
Next general meeting will be the Christmas Party December 14, 2016 at the Buffalo Launch Club. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
